WOMAN HAVING REGULAR MISCARRIAGE: CAUSES AND SOLUTION In some cases, a woman that use to have miscarriage regularly should visit a specialist doctor. This is a medical condition in many cases. If a woman is having a Rhesus factor Negative, the patient ( blood) should be managed with a recommended Injection to prevent Rhesus incompatibility ( RhoGam). If the injection is not given to the patient, she would be at a high risks of having a repeated Incedence of miscarriage in the subsequent conception. Immunoglobulin injection The patient should be given Rhesus Immunoglobulin around 28 weeks of pregnancy, within 72 hrs of delivery of the baby is Rhesis factor positive, after a miscarriage or abortion, and after a pregnant test such as amniocentesis or chronic villus biopsy. This medical conditions will improve on the health status of the woman and make her foetus strong enough to keep the embryo till the ...
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