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Showing posts from June, 2022

Treatment of pile

                     Emilia praetermissar Items  1. Emilia praetermissar 2. Scent leaf  3. PKO Original Production Grind both very well and mix with original PKO Application: Massage the affected part if external pile and take a spoonful morning and night till the symptoms varnish.  Solution phase ii Cut lemon into smaller pieces and boil for about 1hrs 30 minutes and sielve  DOSAGE  Take half a tumbler morning and night. Take while it is slightly warm to help shrink the external pile.

The way to stop making love in the dream / stopping spiritual spouse

      777 KEYS TO POWER PERFUME It has been written in my previous article that having sex over the dream is a serious hindrance to progress, health, development. It is proven that is either you settle the spirit it you, separate from it or bind the marine spirits. NOW SEE THE ITEM TO BIND THE SPIRIT 1. See salt  2. Ash   (first morning Ash)                                            APPLICATION mix both with water and first thing in the morning before you talk to anybody. Do it two times in a week. You will not have sex in the dream again.