( Odala ofuo) The Igbo people call the leaf ( Odaala ofuo) it means fall on ground and germinate Usage: wash properly and chew it raw against all sorts of disturbing coughs. Chew it morning and night untill the symptoms varnish BITER LEAF This is called biter leaf and it is used in treating disturbing cough. If cough is disturbing you uncontrollably especially at night, do this USAGE: On the point of going to bed for night sleep, get a leaf of biter leaf and wash, then put into your mouth and sleep along. You will not be distinguished by cough tonight. Coughs can be notoriously difficult to shift, and can often linger for weeks or even months after the initial infection has died down. In some cases they might not even be caused by an infection at all! You probably don’t want to be taking expensive medication the whole time, so what natural choices do you have? Find out the best ...
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