This was s a spiritual animal. If can solve multiples of spiritual problems. If a child of about ten years is still bed- wetting, it it spiritual and needs a spiritual solution. Every problem has a solution but some problem needs spiritual solution and never physical solution. Spiritual problems are best solved be the spiritual masters. I e masters with spiritual gifts. These categories of masters are best in addressing a problem that is spiritual.
I made this definition as a man who have been in the field of healing and deliverance for over ten years with bundles of experience about human problems. This definition is also made here because there is no smokes without fire. some health problems are humans Induced while some are spiritual induced problems that can only be addressed spiritually.
Many people that exited this planet are as a result of lack of this information about emerging sickness, attack and treatment.
Beating a child of above 10 years in the mid night for bed-wetting is unfair. You have to know that it is a spiritual problem that can't be solved by mere beating.
Now do this: look for
1. Clay pot
2. Matured wall gecko
3. Aligator pepper
4. A piece of Rapper
5. A chair.
Make a burning fire and set the clay pot, Three liters of water inside the pot. Now let the child sit down close to the pot. Give the child an aligator pepper and say this, let the child from his back, open the aligator pepper and bring out one seed of it and pray. Guide him to rebuke every spiritual problem, witches, projection etc that is responsible for that bed- wetting. Command the evilspirit leave the child alone and from that day, let attack if bed wetting stop. The child must have closed his whole body with rapper with the wall gecko in one hand and aligator pepper (1) seed in the other hand. After praying and talking to the wall gecko, let the child use the aligator to touch all his body and round his head four times, exhale on the seed and put inside the pot together with the wall gecko and boil.
After about 2 hrs, take the child to the burning fire and open the pot, with the Rapper, the child will stay there untill heat comes out of his body.
A shot morning and night
Let him bath the medicine every night. There will be a result and he will stop bed wetting as he continues to take the medicine with faith.
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