Malaria medicine
Prepared medicine from the underlisted herbs
Awolowo leaf
Dogoyaro leaf and pawpaw leaf
Mango leaf and bark with (ogere) and (egbu) bark
Just gather the above herbs which are mentioned above;
1. Mango leaf and bark
2. Awolowo leaf
3. Ogere leaf.
4. Dogoyaro leaf.
5. Egbu bark
Wash properly and boil for an hour and half. Allow to cool.
Adult a tumbler morning and night
Children take two spoonful morning and night.
Alternatively: when the medicine is till on fire boiling, use rapper and cover the whole of your body from head to toe and allow your body to absorb the the heat from the medicine. It has to be done every morning along with drinking. Tested and trusted medicine for malaria parasite.
Medicinal plants have been used against various diseases for thousands of years, and 80% of the worldwide population still depends on herbal medicines. Various plants have their antimalarial efficacies scientifically demonstrated and the active compounds isolated with their probable mechanisms of action studied. Spread of multidrug-resistant strains of Plasmodium and the adverse side effects of the existing antimalarial drugs have necessitated the search for novel, well tolerated and more efficient antimalarial drugs.
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