This is a good fruit that are used in the field of herbal medicine for the proper management if health. It is used in management of both human and animal health.
The plant parts commonly eaten are the seeds which are either cooked or eaten raw. It will always give a desired result if eaten.
It is also useful in the treatment of hypertension and also prevents premature aging; it has also been proved in Africa that wonderful kola has the ability to stop migraine/headache when applied on the fore head for ten minutes
Here are some medicinal benefits of wonderful kola as recommended by Dr Eleyinte Samuel, a traditional medicine practitioner in an article- Herbal Remedy to Diseases in Nigeria.
For treating impotency: Get three wonderful kola, cut it into pieces, prepare with hot (local gin) for two days, after that take a shot cup before breakfast and one after meal in the night for three days. For ear disease: Grind a kola with hot (local gin) or water for a day, the next day, put two drops in each ear.
Typhoid and malaria: Get four wonderful kola, four ginger, four bitter cola cut them into pieces and prepare with two bottles of 7up soft drink for two days. Adult: two spoonful, children: one tablespoon.
Toothache: Get one kola, grind and put inside local gin for some minutes, then put in your mouth for three minutes.
Intestinal worms: Get 2 wonderful kola, grind and put in tonic water for two days. Adult: two tablespoon and Children: one tablespoon, two times daily. Rheumatism: Get four wonderful cola, four ginger, five bitter cola, 2 alligator pepper, scent leaf, pound together and prepare with dry gin. Take two spoons in the morning and in the evening.
Gonorrhoea: Wonderful kola, potash, tobacco leaf, 15 ampicillin capsules, prepare with dry gin. Take two spoons in the morning and at night. Cholera: Buy 3 wonderful kola, prepare with lime juice and scent juice for 2 days. Adult should take two spoons; children, one spoon four times daily.
For whit-low: Grind one wonderful kola and put in lime juice to ferment, put your affected finger in it for ten minutes. Do it repeatedly until it disappears.
For more information about herbal medicine, please visit my link.
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