We use only the head of vulture to prepare this powdered medicine for separation of spiritual spouse
It is obvious that spiritual spouse is a dangerous experience in life. So you do not pretend over it. When you have spiritual spouse, you see everything will be turning against you till you settle the situation. You separate yourself from spiritual partner because human being do not have marital affairs with unseen spirit. The spiritual spouse always claim ownership of the physical spouse and the spiritual spouse bused to be very violent and deadly.
In trying to separate yourself from such spirit, you have to buy some spiritual items and perform a kind of ritual/ sacrifice so that the spiritual spouse will not hurt you again.
6 Flower scent
7 keys to power
1 Vulture head
1 Okpo fish
7 Cowtails
1 Head of hyena
1 Guinea fowl
1 Porcupine head
7 Ubelegede roots
1 forehead of cow skull
Takpuchieonu leaves
7 Chameleons
7 Wonderful kolas
7Days old ash
7 Agbalaka roots
7 Mbulu inu roots
1 Scorpion and viper head
7 Ananri ants
1 Dog head
Sand from seven different rivers or stream
Get all this items and put them inside a big earth pot and kill the Guinea Fowl inside the items and burn them until the whole item completely turn to ashes.
After that pour it into a mortar that have not been used before and get a virgin male and female to stay both naked and pound it until they turn to a fine powder.
Use the bone of a bat and pierce any side of your private seven times and put the powder of the pounded items in the wound, do not bathe until they dry
You can pound it with Ghana/ any other mystic soup along with six flower scent and bath daily with it
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