We treat fibroid with the bark of mahogany tree. The herb is so powerful for the treatment of fibroid. If a woman is pregnant already and the fibroid is disturbing the woman, it means the fibroid is threatening the life of the child in the womb. In this case, prepare a solution of mahogany powder and give the patient.
Get the bark of mahogany and pound it to powdered particles. Then, the pregnant woman should drink the solution of powdered mahogany and cool water every night. The patient should take the medicine last thing at night because it makes people weak.
Pregnant mother should take the medicine half a tumbler every night.
But if the patient is not pregnant, she should take the solution and equally, boil the herbs and drink.
Just cut the bark of mahogany to sizes and boil for 1hrs 30 minutes.
Drink half tumbler every night.
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