SIMPLE WATER SETTLEMENT AND THE ITEMS YOU NEED I just settled a case of water related issue concerning a young lady seeking marital settlement, prosperity and a good life. I felt I should drop this because I saw what she was charged elsewhere and i know a lot of you are going through rough times yet have it in mind to go pay homage to the waters yet the billing is something else. Pls odinala is not expensive to practice.., it is who you approached to mentor you that is charging your eyeballs out of your skull..,( dont come to me.., do it yourself., chi gi anwuro anwu) ITEMS NEEDED Biscuits Sweets Chewing gums Makeup and makeup kits Rice Beans Bunch of banana Groundnut A packet of sugar Oji Ugo (eagle Kola) Lux soap A pack of white candle 999 incense A white piece of clothe big enough to tie around yourself Big white bowl big enough to contain everything A white cock Seven 10naira notes Bottle or bottles of fan...
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